Circus Record and Documentation Center

2400 posters

Among thousands of documents in our online collection, 2400 posters, including this recent acquisition dating back to 2024 and published by November Foor - Lier

596 books

We gather documents coming from circuses, but also related to circus, as the book “Funambule”, written by Philippe Petit

A very varied collection

You will find online only documents and items in our possession, including programs, poaters, books, journal, but also leaflets, toys, poststamps, DVD's, stickers, etc.

Recent and ancient records

The Center has a large collection of recent and older items, as this program distributed by Sarrasani in 1959

Top of the bill

This page gathers current events who provided items to complete the collection of the Circus Record and Documentation Center

When I was on tour with circuses, I met a lot of people passionately fond of circus. Most of them owned a few documents about circus lying about in some cardboard case or getting wet in some cellar. What a pity, thought I. That's the reason why I decided to create a Circus Record and Documentation Center.

Our goal is to gather on a same place a copy of every single document coming from a circus, as programs, posters, handbills, sale coupons, entrance tickets… But also other elements, as press releases, magazines, books, stamps, postcards, telephone cards, toys (or toys catalogs)… We use to gather whatever is related to circus and to fun fairs.

We also want to provide this information to every person who may need to be inquired about circus. On this website, you will find the list of every item we own and put online, the address of several magazines and circus clubs, a list of shows on tour, the most recent releases (new books, new toys…), links to the circus world on the web, etc. Of course, we just can disclose these news if we get them.

Since the circus is a rather universal field, we can't carry out this center without help. You may also have some document lying about at your place that you can send us. We also hope that journalists, circus directors and artists would accept to give us some help, as others already do. Since this center has no money-making purpose, neither subsidies or sponsors, every document, or anything likely to interest us is of course welcome.

I hope that you'll be numerous to have interest in this web site and that you'll be able to help us to make this center a success. So, at last, circus could maybe earn the spot he deserves but never got yet in the culture field.

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